This will send your password protected PDF to a printer. Navigate to File -> Print and click the Print button. 2.Click on the 3 dots on the right side of the PDF file and. 1.Install Adobe Reader App in your mobile. When it’s done processing, minimize Chrome and double-click the newly created PDF to open it in Adobe Reader. Hi, Please follow the below steps to solve the issue. You’ll be returned to the print preview screen again. This time, click the Save button.Īfter the Save As… dialog box comes up, leave the defaults in place and click Save. Select an output folder as you want to save the converted file in the source folder or customize a new folder to save the converted PDF documents. The decryption process should start right away. Confirm that you have the right to the file and click ‘Unlock PDF’.
When the Select a destination dialog pops up, choose “Save as PDF”. After opening PDF Password Remover, you can drag and drop the encrypted PDF documents into the program. How to remove password from PDF files: Drag and drop your document in the PDF Password Remover. Smallpdf is an easy-to-use online tool that helps you remove PDF owner password s. Remove the owner password using Smallpdf. Click on 'Save' to save the PDF to the hard drive. When the print screen comes up, click Change to choose a different output destination. Then, select 'Save as PDF' in the drop down menu of 'Destination'. This is a known issue by our vendor and can occur when using computers in the library or uploading files to from your own device. However, a work-around does exist available for printing these files. Check the box Require a password to open the document. Some password protected PDF documents are incompatible with our printing system. You will be prompted to select your security settings: Adobe PDF Security.